
Habitat homes around the world are built according to the same guiding principles:

Decent. Habitat for Humanity uses quality, locally-available building materials. Habitat house designs reflect the local climate and culture.

Simple. Habitat houses are modestly-sized. They are large enough for the homeowner family’s needs, but small enough to keep construction and maintenance costs affordable.

Affordable. The labor of volunteer and partner families, efficient building materials, and modest home sizes make them homes sustainable and affordable to the families we serve.

Habitat Broward proudly builds sustainable, energy-efficient homes that are both environmentally friendly and cost-effective for homeowners to maintain. Our construction has a long history of incorporating sustainable building strategies and builds homes according to L.E.E.D. building standards. However, due to the cost to certify and receive this qualification, Habitat Broward forgoes this step as to keep funding reserved for the mission. Habitat Broward was awarded a Partners in Sustainable Building Program award by Habitat for Humanity International.

Building Green allows us to:

  • Improve construction quality
  • Reduce utility and maintenance costs
  • Increase building longevity
  • Enhance comfort and livability
  • Reduce waste
  • Prevent pollution of air, soil, and waterways
  • Reduce the rate of respiratory disease, allergy, asthma, and sick building symptoms
  • Protect the health of construction workers, volunteers, and our partner families

Critical Home Repair

Our Critical Home Repair Program renews existing, aging housing and preserves them as affordable housing for Broward County residents. Our Critical Home Repair Program is funded in part by State and County dollars through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program (SHIP). These funds allows us to complete Housing Rehabilitation and Neighborhood Revitalization.

Bid Room

If you’re a contractor and would like to be considered for contract work on our builds, please visit our bid room for more information and to complete our Request for Qualification.

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