Our Business Model

Habitat Broward’s business model is designed to build our community through affordable homeownership. We are unique in that we are not a traditional builder and focus on homeowner success. We take no profit from our projects and re-invest all funding back into our business cycle.

Land Acquisition and Development

  • Acquire land from public and private sales or donations
  • Maintain site control and manage the project design, implementation, and completion
  • Lead all entitlement activity and collaborate with all engineers, architects, contractors, lawyers, and government entities.


  • Build energy-efficient, safe, and affordable homes
  • Engage volunteers and future homeowners through build opportunities, keeping construction costs down
  • Repair and renovate existing housing with County and City support

Homeowner Selection & Education

  • Applicants vetted and selected based on their need for housing, willingness to partner, and ability to pay.
  • Future homeowners complete 300 sweat equity hours, take homeownership & life skills workshops, and make an affordable down payment.
  • Habitat serves individuals at or below 80% AMI, with a majority of homeowners at 40-60% AMI

Mortgage Lending

  • Qualified homeowners receive a low-interest mortgage based on appraised home value
  • Low-interest mortgages allow families to access a higher-value home than possible with a traditional lender
  • Mortgage enables families to build equity at a faster rate than traditional mortgages and rentals

Home & Program Funding

  • Raise funds through public and private grants and donors
  • Mortgage payments are re-invested into new homes and continuing programming
  • Habitat ReStore, our social enterprise, raises funds re-invested in our cycle and supplements organizational expenses

Continued Family Support

  • Ensure family success by providing additional wrap-around support when and if needed
  • Mortgage delinquency rate is lower than the national and industry standard
  • Service mortgage for the life of the loan and supports families throughout their journey

Neighborhood Revitalization

Through Habitat for Humanity’s neighborhood revitalization work, we tailor our efforts by partnering locally with residents, community leaders, and organizations to best address real concerns and improve the lives of the people who live in the neighborhood. With residents leading revitalization efforts, Habitat’s work looks different in each community — painting neighbor homes, home repairs, community parks, public art installations, and more.
CorporationsSchoolsGovermentFraternalorganizationsBusinessprofessionalsCivicgroupsSocialserviceagenciesOthernonprofitsHabitat forHumanityFinancialinstitutionsAcademiaReligiousgroupsResidentsrevitalizingneighborhoods
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